
St. Oswald’s has various groups for young and old.

Pastoral Care Group

This is a small group of Church members who assist the Vicar in visiting parishioners in need (whether Church members or not), albeit whether bereaved, sick, lonely or housebound. If you would like a visit from a Pastoral Care Visitor please contact the Vicar.

Holiday Club Group

If you would like to help to plan, organise or run the Holiday Club which runs for a week six times a year, have a word with the Vicar. We are always short of helpers!

Mother’s Union

St Oswald’s Mothers’ Union is part of the international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. The monthly meetings cover topics of interest to the members, usually with a guest speaker, and all are welcome – regardless of marital status and whether or not a mother.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, in Church at 7.30 pm.

Beavers and Cubs

At present our Beaver group is full. There are a few spaces in the Cub group, but the leaders could really do with some help. If you feel able to help, please call and see our group leaders, who will be happy to discuss the process with you. You can find the application form for the groups here . Please fill in and drop at the hall so your child will go on the waiting list.

Click here for Beaver/Scouts website

Beavers – 6 -8 year olds –

Cubs – 8 – 10 year olds –

You can fill in an application form and take it to the group on a Wednesday evening between 6-7pm. They will then give you an idea of a likely start date.

Rainbows, Brownies Guides

Check our local website:

The contact for information on Rainbows, Brownies or Guides is

Click here for Guiding Website


Rainbows are girls aged 5 to 7. Rainbows take part in games and activities as part of a programme called Rainbow Jigsaw.


Brownies are girls aged 7 to 10. Brownies meetings are packed full of challenges, games and activities, many of them selected by the Brownies themselves.


Any girl aged between ten and fourteen can be a Guide. It’s the largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women in the UK. They take part in outdoor and indoor activities that challenge them to do their best! Our meetings are full of challenges, games, activities, badge work. Guides give girls a chance to think for themselves. Each Guide takes an active part in decision-making and helps choose what we are going to do. There are many opportunities for Guides to take part in special activities and events, many Guides go away on Pack Holiday / Camp or an overnight sleepover. We are part of Girlguiding. Rainbows and Brownies are members too. St. Oswalds Guides are just starting up which means you get the chance to help make the unit and activities what you want them to be. We meet on a Tuesday evening during school term time. If you would like to enrol your daughter at Oswalds Guides or put her name on the waiting list for when she’s old enough to join, please contact us on;

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