Prayers of Intercession for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Christ our Good Shepherd,

we pray for your flock, 

your church throughout the world.

Help us to follow your way

of care, welcome, self sacrifice.

May we create places of welcome,

inclusion, and love.

Forgive us when people are turned away, rejected 

or put off by our coldness or judgement. 

Help us to build a sheepfold

big enough for all your children.


We pray for your world,

for traditional ways of life

threatened by climate change

or human greed:

for those whose calling is

to the hills, fells and mountains

tending the sheep.

we pray for a love for all your creation,

especially for all the wonderful and different animals

with whom we share your world.


We pray for those who are ill,

those known to us…

all those known to you…

We give thanks for our NHS: 

for its staff

for its future.

Bring your healing to all in need

and peace to all who suffer.


We pray for those who have died this week…

that you will lead them home

and gather them into your fold

which is the heart of God.


We give you thanks

for all you give us:

for your generosity

welcome, and care:

for all you teach us,

in rich images, wonderful words

and beautiful stories:

help us to continue learning,

to continue following, 

until our lives are done.
