All Age Worship Lent 2

This morning we joined together for the All Age Worship planned for last week (when there was no heat in church so we had to cancel). We were exploring the Gospel for Lent 1 .

The Sorry Station was about Jesus’ call to repentance – we wrote our sins on pieces of Whiteboard and then wiped them off with a damp cloth. This wsa a powerful reminder that when we conffess our sins they are gone completely – quite  a few people were amazed that their sins had disappeared!




Remembering Jesus in the wilderness, for our intercessions we simply placed stons in sand, remembering people who were, themselves, in the wilderness in some way.





Our Learning Station had four small activities:

We dipped our fingers into water and signed ourselves with the sign of the cross, remembering Jesus’ Baptism and our own.

We placed a handfull of sand into a bowl, thinking for a few moments about Jesus’ temptaitons and our own, bring these to God.





We wrote on  post-it notes, how we might show God’s love this week as we go about our daily lives.





Finally, we strung shiny hearts onto a string, reminding ourselves that we, like Jesus, are God’s beloved children.





After all the activities we joined together for Holy Communion.

The kids (and a few adults) augmented the last hymn with percussion – with great gusto as usual!

The we all had a brew and biscuits at the end.

All done in 50 minutes!

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