Justice in the shape of a cross

Week 4: 28 March to 3 April

No matter what laws and guidance are given to human beings, they struggle to do justly and love mercy. It is only in Jesus that justice and mercy are perfectly united – in one perfect life, a sacrificial death and glorious resurrection.

Action for the week

Justice is costly. What one thing could you pledge to do to love your neighbour more deeply than you have chosen to do so far? Try and think of something personal, which brings you in contact with a real person.

You can find short video introductions to the weekly themes from Isabelle Hamley on The Big Church Read website.

There are also in-depth interviews relating to the weekly themes and group discussion resources on SPCK’s homegroups website.

For children and families

Jesus’ way of justice

Human beings often struggle to treat each other with justice. This week we look at Jesus – whose life, death and resurrection show us what it means to act justly and love mercy.

Read: Luke 4.16-21
‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.’

Prayer for the week
Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming to bring down the barriers that divide people from each other and from God. Amen