St. Oswald’s Sunday service of Holy Communion will begin at 10.00 am as usual. The service will be led by the Revd Canon Michael Radcliffe and the Vicar, Rev’d Anne Morris will preach.
There will be a Messy Sermon Group for children and their parents and there is a small play area for very young children at the back of church.
Everyone is welcome at St Oswald’s.
If you are unable to get to church, the Church of England offers a weekly online service. On Sunday 30th October the service is from Hereford Diocese. The service will be led by Intergenerational Missioner, Lizzy Hackney, and Lay Pioneer Minister, Kathy Bland will be preaching.
St Martin in the Fields, in Trafalgar Square, offers a weekly online Eucharistic Service on Sunday mornings. Their service is livestreamed each week at 10 a.m. here