Water from the rock at Horeb

The story of Moses and the water from the rock

Click on the logo below to see this week’s Family Pack which follows the story of Moses and the water from the rock. There are lots of activities for you to share as a family whilst exploring the readings. Why were the Israelites quarrelling with Moses? How do you
think they felt when there was no water?  Can you think of a time when you were worried or scared about something even though God was with you?

Moses and the water from the rock

We hope you enjoy the activities and we would love to see pictures of your water race and your prayer stick. You can bring them to Church or send them to the church Facebook Page or e.mail them to us on stoswaldsknuzden@outlook.com so we can print them off and put them up in Church to cheer us up.

There are packs like these for the children in Church on Sundays. Don’t worry if you don’t feel confident to join us just yet we will continue to upload them here and on facebook every week.