Do this to remember me

Week 5: 4 April to 10 April

The God of Scripture invites us to be holy, as he is holy, and holiness and justice walk together. But holiness is not something that simply happens. It is practised until it becomes habit. And one of the practices that shape us for justice as a church is that of Communion.

Action for the week

This week, every time you eat bread, place a donation in a basket to be taken to a local foodbank. Every time you drink wine (or tea, or coffee) set aside money to be given to a clean water/sanitation project abroad. 

You can find short video introductions to the weekly themes from Isabelle Hamley on The Big Church Readwebsite.

There are also in-depth interviews relating to the weekly themes and group discussion resources on SPCK’s homegroups website.

For children and families

Remembering Jesus’ example

Jesus invites his followers to become like him: just, loving and holy. Worshipping together – especially sharing Holy Communion – helps us to remember Jesus’ example and get into good habits which help us follow it.

Read: Luke 22.14-20
‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’

Prayer for the week
Lord Jesus, may our worship, our prayers and our actions help us to grow more like you as we share our lives as your people. Amen.