Exodus and liberation

Week 1: 7 March to 13 March

Exodus is a great story of justice: a people oppressed, whose very life is at stake, are rescued by God’s intervention, and led through the desert to form a new community, centred on God, defined by his justice and compassion.

Action for the week

Try and watch or read the news every day. Is there one group, or one person’s pain or oppression which stands out? Can you think of one practical action you could take to stand in solidarity – a letter, an email, a donation?

You can find short video introductions to the weekly themes from Isabelle Hamley on The Big Church Read website.

There are also in-depth interviews relating to the weekly themes and group discussion resources on SPCK’s homegroups website.

For children and families

Justice and freedom

Exodus, the second book of the Bible, tells the story of God delivering the people of Israel from slavery to freedom. This week we will explore how God guides Moses as he seeks justice for his people.

Read: Exodus 3.1-12
‘I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt … and I have come down to deliver them.’

Prayer for the week
Just and loving God, help us, like Moses, to be changed and guided by your presence as we journey through life’s challenges. Amen.