New Monthly Multi-Lingual Services from Blackburn Diocese

This Sunday 5th July, on the Diocese of Blackburn’s YouTube channel at 9 o’clock, Rev’d Sarah Siddique Gill, Vicar of St Stephen’s and St James’ Blackburn will lead a multi-lingual service which will be repeated every first Sunday of the month thereafter.

“The truth is that Christianity is a global religion,” says Sarah, who was born and brought up in Pakistan. “Jesus Christ is worshipped in many different languages across the world. God is not confined to one religion or culture or ethnic group, but God is God of the universe who rules with love, mercy and care.”

Sunday’s service will be conducted in Urdu, Hindi and English and will include a hymn sung in a number of Indian languages. “It is a great joy to be part of a multi racial community like Blackburn,” says Sarah.

Below, Bishop Jill speaks to Rev’d Sarah.