Our ‘Walking through Holy Week’ Bags

How to enable a Sunday congregation to engage with Holy Week? This is the question I wrestled with in preparation for our Palm Sunday All Age Eucharist. Because Palm Sunday is now one of our All Age services, we no longer hear the long Passion Gospel, which makes the question even more important. The result was the idea of a ‘Walk thorugh Holy Week Bag’ with an object for each day to enable people of all ages to think about some of the events of Holy Week.

So, this morning we each packed a paper bag with the following items:

  • A plastic bag containing 2 digestive biscuits and 2 tea bags.
  • A 10p coin.
  • A photograph of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and a short account of her situation.
  • A piece of bandage on which were dropped a couple of drops of essential oil (then put in a plastic bag).
  • Two lolly sticks and a piece of string.
  • A plastic egg, into which we placed a foiled chocolate egg.
  • And, finally, an instruction sheet:

Monday (Tea bags and biscuits) Remember the Last Supper as you use your tea bags and biscuits: share a cup of tea and a biscuit with a friend.

Tuesday (Silver coin) Remember Judas who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of Silver: use the coin to think about the good and bad things you can do with money. Use this small coin to do something good.

Wednesday (Photo and story) Remember Jesus’ unjust trial: pray for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe who is a victim of injustice, and for her family. You could sign a petition too!https://www.change.org/p/free-nazanin-ratcliffe

Thursday (Scented bandage) Remember the woman who anointed Jesus with oil. Carry the scented cloth with you today to remind you of those who cared for Jesus after his death. Do something caring for someone today

Friday (Lolly sticks and string) Remember when Jesus was crucified: make a cross out of the lolly sticks and string. Carry it around with you all day to remind you of Jesus’ death

Saturday (Plastic egg) Remember Jesus in the tomb: carry the plastic egg around with you to remind you of the quietness of Easter Saturday. There is a legend that on this day Jesus went down into Hell to find and help his friend Judas. Is there anyone who needs your help today?

Sunday (Chocolate egg) Remember Jesus rising from death and bursting from the tomb. Open the plastic egg and to find the chocolate one inside. Jesus is risen! Halleluia! (Enjoy!)

We had great fun assembling our bags and people of all ages left church grasping a red stripy bag as they walked away from church and into Holy Week.








St. Oswald’s people: if you do something interesting during your ‘Walk through Holy Week’ please let me know, preferably send me a photo, and I will add it to this post.


And finally …. here are some of our 4 year olds dancing in the aisle!

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