Sunday Worship – Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity.
St. Oswald’s Sunday service of Holy Communion will begin at 10.00 am as usual. The service will be led by Revd Canon Michael Radcliffe the and the Vicar will preach.
There will be a Messy Sermon Group for children and a small play area for very young children as normal.
After the service, there will be refreshments for those who would like to stay and catch up on the news. Three young members of the church, Grayson, Lara and Mason, will be baptised at 11.45 – this will be a special celebration!
You are all most welcome! We look forward to joining you in Christian fellowship.
If you are unable to get to get, the Church of England offers a weekly online service. On Sunday 16th October the service is from The Chapel at The Old Deanery, London: A Service For Anti-Slavery Day, led by Rt Rev Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London.
The Chair of The Clewer Initiative, Rt Rev Alastair Redfern will be preaching. This will be availabe from 9 a.m.
St Martin in the Fields, in Trafalgar Square, offers a weekly online Eucharistic Service on Sunday mornings. Their service is livestreamed each week at 10 a.m. here