A colourful Mothering Sunday!

We had a colourful and busy All Age Eucharist for Mothering Sunday today.

In our goody bags were a soluble vitamin tablet, two pieces of string tied in a knot and some felt hearts. These were used in our three activities:

For our Confession we thought about those who love and care for us, making sure we’re healthy and well, and about the times we’ve failed to appreciate this. We also thought about the times we failed to love and care for people. We dropped the vitiamin tablets into a tub of water. As they dissolved we thoguht about God forgiving us our sins – making them disappear.

For our intercessions we brought the knot of string and tied it to the cross. We prayed for those we hold in bonds of love and tied them to GOd’s bonds of love on the cross.

Our sermon was to make a rainbow of love, recognising that love comes from God. Each heart represents someone who is loved – just see how much love there is in oru church!

We then continued with our Eucharist – here again is God’s love for us.

At the end of church all women in the church were given a posy of daffodils, a beautiful parcel of sweets and a craft gift from our Brownies – a posy of tulips.

We paused to remember that this day is difficult for some people, especially those who have lost mums, wives or children.

It was lovely to see church so busy and full!

And all this in 50 minutes!

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