Sunday Worship – Third Sunday of Epiphany

St. Oswald’s service of Holy Communion for 23 January 2022 starts at 10.00 am. The service will be led by the Vicar who will also preach. There is a Messy Sermon Group for children during the sermon and a small play area for young children. Afterwards, there will be refreshments for those wanting to stay…

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The Wedding at Cana – Water into wine

The Epiphany Theme of Glory The account in John’s gospel of Jesus’ first miracle at the Wedding at Cana, speaks of glory – a golden thread running through the season of Epiphany; the bright star which leads the Magi; the riches they offered and their unexpected encounter with the glory of the infant king; the…

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The Epiphany Blessing

At the end of today’s Epiphany service, the Vicar led everyone to the main door at the back of church for prayers of blessing. This blessing of the doorway is an ancient custom where the letters C + M + B, the initials of the three Magi (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar) and the New Year, 2022…

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Sunday Worship –The Epiphany

St. Oswald’s Epiphany service of Holy Communion starts at 10.00am (back to normal!). The service will be led by the Vicar who will also preach. There will be refreshments afterwards for those who wish to stop and chat. There is a small play area at the back of church for young children. You are most…

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