Author Archives: generaladmin

Jobs boost – Shadsworth upvc factory gets major expansion

Good news on Shadsworth as a new planning permission is approved. Lancashire Telegraph report is HERE.

Re-union searches for former Shadsworth Footballer

In 1967, Blackburn Town Team lifted the Lancashire Schools’ Trophy and now the team is organising a reunion, except they can’t trace Stewart Cameron, who played for the Shadsworth High School team. Can you help? The article is here.

County Councillor John Fillis tries out the new buses on 7A route

You may have noticed the new buses these past few months. They are pretty fancy with on-board wireless and gizmos like automatic announcements of each approaching bus stop. Here is a Lancashire Telegraph article about County Councillor John Fillis checking them out.

Sermon – The first Sunday of Lent

The story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness is so familiar to us it’s easy to take no notice of it. It happened. We hear about it every Lent. So what? Well maybe we can learn things about our own lives and priorities if we look at Jesus’ temptation in a little more depth. And…

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Saturday work hour gets some more jobs done

Our second work-hour today had five people again. This time we moved tables, cleaned and had bit of a sort out… all therapeutic stuff! In the garden it was warm and sunny… spring is not far away now and things are starting to stir. The bank of snowdrops and the crocuses and mini daffodils on…

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